
Telle mere, telle fille

Directed by: Noemie Saglio

Cinema program "Telle mere, telle fille" in Katowice

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Movie poster Mamy 2 mamy
Original title: Telle mere, telle fille
Runtime: 94 min.
Production: Francja , 2017
Category: comedy
Release Date: 2 June 2017
Distribution: Best Film

Directed by: Noemie Saglio
Cast: Juliette Binoche, Camille Cottin, Lambert Wilson

Bridget Jones in French, or Juliette Binoche in an impossible comedy role.
For Mado her 47 years, this is the new 20! She's partying, she's crazy, she's playing. Dreams to conquer the streets of Paris and the hearts of beautiful men on a scooter and a pink helmet. It is the absolute opposite of his daughter - responsible, mature, and even a bit stiff - 30-year-old Avril. And maybe it would not be so strange if not for the fact that they both live together, the daughter is raising and guarding the mother, not always effective. If that was not enough - both are pregnant, one more, the other less planned. Storm hormones, armageddon family animosity. How to survive, to be born and not to go crazy?

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Movie trailer: Telle mere, telle fille

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