
Alexandru Dabija - filmography

27 September 2019

Imi este indiferent daca in istorie vom intra ca barbari
Directed by: Radu Jude
Cast: Ioana Iacob, Alex Bogdan, Alexandru Dabija

"I don't care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken by Marshal Ion Antonescu in the Romanian Council of Ministers in the summer of 1941, began "self-cleaning actions" carried out... more

27 November 2015

Directed by: Radu Jude
Cast: Teodor Corban, Mihai Comănoiu, Cuzin Toma, Alexandru Dabija
Category: drama / comedy / adventure / western

Wołoszczyzna, 1835 rok. Dwóch jeźdźców przemierza jałowy krajobraz. To lokalny policjant Constandin i jego syn. Jeden ma na wszystko gotowy aforyzm, drugi prezentuje bardziej kontemplacyjny stosunek do... more