
Lynne Ramsay - filmography

13 April 2018

You Were Never Really Here
Directed by: Lynne Ramsay
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Dante Pereira-Olson, Larry Canady
Category: drama / mystery / thriller

Her disappearance. His obsessions. Their revenge. Best male role (Joaquin Phoenix) and Best Screenplay (Lynne Ramsay) Cannes Film Festival.

Hailed as a female response to "Taxi Driver", the film by... more

13 January 2012

We Need to Talk About Kevin
Directed by: Lynne Ramsay
Cast: John C. Reilly, Tilda Swinton, Ezra Miller
Category: drama / thriller

Tytułowy Kevin to demoniczny nastolatek, który świadomie manipuluje swoim otoczeniem, nie uznaje żadnych zasad i z prowokującym uśmiechem mówi: „Wstajesz rano i oglądasz telewizję, jedziesz samochodem i... more