Cinema program "Paul, Apostle of Christ" in Katowice
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"Paul, Apostle of Christ"
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Runtime: 108 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: drama / history
Release Date: 4 May 2018
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: Andrew Hyatt
Cast: James Faulkner, Jim Caviezel, Joanne Whalley
This teaching deserves faith and is worthy of total recognition that Christ Jesus came to the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first.
Timothy 1:15 (NIV)
"Paul, the apostle of Christ" is the story of two men. Łukasz (Jim Caviezel), a friend and doctor, risked his life to get to Rome, the city where Paweł Faulkner waits for the execution of the sentence. Condemned to death by Nero, he is in a prison in Rome, famous for his cruelty, in the darkest cell. Before the sentence is executed, Łukasz and Paweł write a book describing the beginning and the Way leading to what we today call the Church. Meanwhile, determined Nero wants to get rid of Christians from Rome, he does not shy away from the most cruel reprisals. Before the death sentence hanging over Paweł is executed, Luke decides to write the book. A book that will show the beginnings of "the Way" and the birth of what will become the Church. Meanwhile, Paul, tied up with chains, faces himself, his life and everything that has happened to him. And he survived a lot - flogging, ship's catastrophe, hunger and thirst, stoning, coldness. While waiting for a meeting with death, Paweł persecutes his own past. Lonely in the dark, he wonders if he will be forgotten and whether he will find the strength to die with dignity.
Two men struggling with human weaknesses in the service of the divine word against the all-powerful emperor. Here is a great biblical story about convicts, exiles who do not want to break. Even those who are bound by prison chains worship Christ, for they know that only he can overcome death.
Today, it is enough that we include messages to see the enormity of evil that is still prevailing in the world, the enormity of suffering, poverty and injustice. The followers of God are not free from this suffering. But in the book of Acts we read: Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging us to persevere in the faith, because through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).
Love will overcome all these things and give us strength in the hour of need, just as he gave it to Luke and Paul at the Mamertine Prison.

Movie trailer: Paul, Apostle of Christ
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Ten film powinien obejrzeć każdy. Piękna historia opowiedziana tak, że nic nie traci. Rzadko można trafić na tak udaną produkcję. Dubbing znakomity. Tylko dlaczego ten świetny film był tak krótko grany w Warszawie?
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